So this one time when I was feeling suuuuper irritated and mentally stuck, I did a downward dog.
Who knew that stretching your arms and legs out with your butt way up in the air in an inverted V shape while exhaling hard, could chill you way out in half a second. I didn't.
Yogis in ancient India's ascetic circles around the 6th and 5th centuries BCE knew. And dogs. Dogs and cats knew.But not me. Until I tried it.
And then I tried it again the next day and the next. I just hung out in a teepee shape. Until my arms got tired. Then I lowered my legs and sat back on my heals, resting my head on the floor. Breathing. Turns out that's called child's pose. How nice. I like child's pose.
If you could do with some mental release give it a go. Stretch out.
I think you'll like it.